The Crown which was written and directed by Peter Morgan is a British historical drama television series produced in 2016 that was streamed on Netflix that consists only 10 episodes in Season 1. The Crown Season 1 are starring by Claire Foy as Princess Elizabeth later as Queen Elizabeth, Matt Smith as Prince Philip, Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret, Eileen Atkins as Queen Mary and Jared Harris as King George VI. The story of a first season in episode 1 (Wolferton Splash) is about Prince Philip that renounces his titles and citizenships and takes the name Philip Mountbatten before marrying Princess Elizabeth, the elder daughter of King George VI. It is reported that The Crown has been the most expensive drama series produced.

Episode 1 tells us the days before Elizabeth took over the throne, focuses on her marriage with Prince Philip and the political fears surrounding in the health of King George VI. In the episode, Jared Harris as King George VI who is a heavy smoker has compromised his health and has been suffering from lung cancer and developed a blood clot. The characters are usually brought to the viewers rather than thinking of them as monarchs living behind a huge wall residing in a huge castle. The Crown is actually helping me to understand what is the deal and understanding about the monarchy in England and a lot of family issues can be dismissed as spoiled rich people not getting what they want. It is wonderfully done when we can watch Elizabeth go from a young woman to become a queen at a young age.

Based on The Crown series in episode 1, the context of the real sets of realism can be determined by looking at the location, actors where all the sets focused on the real-life in the royals and their efforts to make it real. Not only that, but I can also see that the realism in this series is actually shown when Princess Margaret could not marry Capt. Peter Townsend as they did not get a blessing from the Queen Mother and based on their situation, this is actually happening in our life when someone needs to get their family's blessing before getting married.

I found that Prince Philip is one of a character that has criteria as a comic reliever. This is because Prince Philip has his own character and personality as we can see that he is a loving husband and father to his children and a person who lives in his own rules as in this series he and his family have to stay in their own home instead of living in a castle.

In my point of view, I think The Crown series is really worth to watch because the writing was amazing and the historical evidence is clearly set. They are all historical figures and some of them are still alive today which we can learn about the monarchy of the British royals. This is a drama series that I think all the works are done really amazing in terms of cinematographic, how the camera works, the actors and actress, sets and so on. Peter Morgan has created a wonderful episode on how the Queen’s life as a Queen and become a mother to her children and to those who are not interested in a historical drama series, I think they should watch as it is interesting drama and we can know and learned about the British Royal family and how the monarchy works in history.
